Why is my cable box picking up all channels?
(too old to reply)
Bill Bradley
2004-02-05 12:28:38 UTC
I have digital cable using a SA 3250 convertor. I recently picked up a
2nd convertor from my cable provider, this one for some reason is picking
up all available channels ( premium, movies, et al ) even though I only am
setup for basic digital.

What gives?
DCT Dictator
2004-02-05 14:14:46 UTC
The box is temporarily enabled for all services, it should downgrade
once it's on your account and gets refreshed.
Post by Bill Bradley
I have digital cable using a SA 3250 convertor. I recently picked up a
2nd convertor from my cable provider, this one for some reason is picking
up all available channels ( premium, movies, et al ) even though I only am
setup for basic digital.
What gives?
moblog at http://dctdctator.textamerica.com/